“Zeroworld“, a recent episode of the WNYC podcast Radiolab, examined the possibility of division by zero. The discussion turned mostly metaphysical and got many listeners so angry that they went on to rant on Reddit. I understood this episode more as a fun thought experiment than as a formal proposal. But it also reminded me […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Imager l’espace vécu – Médiographie
Inspirations (exemples génériques) Livres et articles argumentés Cartographie générale Réseaux (relations, migration, transport, accessibilité) Cartographie en 3D Cartes anamorphiques (cartogrammes) Cartes mentales Voir le blogpost dédié aux cartes mentales. Analyse et visualisation de textes et de relations sématiques Infographie programmatique R et RStudio
The Man from the Future: The Visionary Life of John Von Neumann — a Foreword
I’ve had the pleasure to write a foreword of the French translation of Ananyo Bhattacharya‘s biography of John von Neumann, translated by Anatole Muchnik and now published by Quanto. You can read the French introduction and have a peek at the book’s first chapter (PDF). In agreement with Ananyo, here is the English translation. As […]